Eigenschap:Omschrijving Engels

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Betekenisvolle omschrijving in het Engels waarin de codes van de onderdelen in vast formaat zijn opgenomen.
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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Adaptation to climate change  +
Advisory services for agriculture  +
Other measures  +
Construction or upgrades of wastewater treatment plants  +
Drinking water protection measures (e.g. establishment of safeguard zones, buffer zones etc)  +
Water pricing policy measures for the implementation of the recovery of cost of water services from industry  +
Water pricing policy measures for the implementation of the recovery of cost of water services from households  +
Water pricing policy measures for the implementation of the recovery of cost of water services from agriculture  +
Awareness raising measures (e.g. education)  +
Measures to reduce sediment from soil erosion and surface run-off  +
Measures to prevent or control the adverse impacts of invasive alien species and introduced diseases  +
Measures to prevent or control the adverse impacts of recreation including angling  +
Measures related to Spatial Protection Measures for the marine environment (not reported under another KTM)  +
Measures to reduce litter in the marine environment  +
Measures to reduce other types of biological disturbance, including death, injury, disturbance, translocation of native marine species, the introduction of microbial pathogens and the introduction of genetically-modified individuals of marine species (e.g. from aquaculture)  +
Measures to reduce biological disturbances in the marine environment from the extraction of species, including incidental non-target catches  +
Measures to reduce contamination by hazardous substances (synthetic substances, non-synthetic substances, radio-nuclides) and the systematic and/or intentional release of substances in the marine environment from seabased or air-based sources  +
Measures to reduce inputs of energy, including underwater noise, to the marine environment  +